Welcome to the world of Simple, where simplicity meets innovation.
A simple token with full tax auto-burn – designed for the community.

The safest Hyper-deflationary Token as of today.
A revolution on the Blockchain.

Relaunch 10 Dezember 2023. 100 x incoming.


In a crypto landscape riddled with scams and rug pulls, it’s challenging to find trust and authenticity. Over 95% of newly minted tokens seem designed to deceive or generate quick profits for their creators, often at your expense.

Join the Simple community: an Ethereum token that shares the same blockchain as its peers but stands apart in crucial ways. Our code is elegantly simple, rigorously audited, and free from hidden traps. In the world of crypto, simplicity is the essence of perfection.

Why is it safe to invest?

Investing in Simple is like embracing a fortress of trust:

🛡️ Fortified Code: Our contract code is pristine and has undergone rigorous auditing, providing you with peace of mind.
🚫 No Team Tokens: Say goodbye to worries about massive sell-offs, as there are no team tokens lurking in the shadows. 100% liquidity is on Uniswap.
🔒 Locked Liquidity: We’ve safeguarded your investments with locked liquidity, ensuring no rug pulls will catch you off guard.
🔐 Contract Ownership Renounced: The power to change the code or exploit functions has been permanently relinquished, ensuring the safety of your investment.
🌍 Tax burnt: All 5% tax is burnt on every transaction -> Hyper-deflationary -> Moon


Token Supply

1 Trillion Tokens =  1,000,000,000,000

Contract Address






Tax Structure

1% Auto Burn Tax -> Hyper-deflationary Token

Check our simple, yet powerful trasnfer function with auto-burn


    // Transfer function with burn mechanism
    function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) {
    require(value > 0, “ERC20: Transfer value must be greater than zero”);
    uint256 burnvalue;
    uint256 transfervalue;

    if (
        msg.sender != deployer &&
        msg.sender != pinkSaleAddress &&
        to != deployer &&
        to != pinkSaleAddress
    ) {
        burnvalue = (value * BURN_RATE) / 100;
        transfervalue = value burnvalue;
    } else {
        burnvalue = 0;
        transfervalue = value;

    if (burnvalue > 0) {
        _burn(msg.sender, burnvalue);

    _transfer(msg.sender, to, transfervalue);
    return true;


Our mission is quite straightforward

At Simple, we’re on a mission to revolutionize trust within the cryptocurrency realm. In a landscape riddled with scams and deceptive tokens, we stand as a beacon of transparency and reliability.

Simplicity, Security, and Prosperity.

We provide simplicity through our elegantly designed contract code and a commitment to clean, audited practices. With no team tokens and locked liquidity, we prioritize your security, eliminating the risk of massive sell-offs or rug pulls.

We’ve renounced contract ownership, ensuring the permanence of our code’s integrity. Moreover, every transaction tax benefits our community, fueling growth and prosperity for all.

As we embark on this journey, our roadmap is clear: community growth, widespread marketing, and a relentless pursuit of reputable exchange listings. In the world of meme coins, trust is paramount, and Simple is here to redefine it. 

Join us as we strive to become the next PEPE, guided by honesty, integrity, and your unwavering support.
Together, we’ll keep it Simple and rewrite the rules of trust in crypto.


It’s not solely about reaching the destination; it’s about the journey we embark upon. The choices we make along the way often define us more profoundly than the ultimate objective itself.

It’s all about community growth, omnipresent marketing across social media platforms, and a relentless pursuit of listing on as many reputable exchanges as possible.

We are here to stay. At Simple, we’re here for the long haul, and we deeply appreciate the trust you’ve placed in us. With unwavering honesty and integrity, our goal is clear: to ascend among the titans of meme coins, leaving behind the mere specters of greed and scams.

In the world of meme coins, success hinges on community engagement, relentless marketing endeavors, and, most importantly, trust. Who’s to say we won’t be the next PEPE? Stay tuned to witness the magic unfold.

Community growth

Cex listings


How To Buy

Create a Wallet

Download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

Get Some ETH

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $SIMPLE. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap. Go to in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $SIMPLEtoken address into Uniswap, select SIMPLE, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Switch ETH for $SIMPLE

switch ETH for $SIMPLE. We have 5% auto-burn taxes, please set your slippage accordingly (more than 5%.)

Copyright © 2023 and beyond,  Simple

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